PIA Unveils New Print Management Alert Series

Pittsburgh, PA--Printing Industries of America's Center for Print Economics and Management has initiated a new publication series: the Print Management Alert. It will provide PIA members with information on key management strategies, issues, and practices.

Dr. Ron Davis, PIA's Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, stated that "the new report will provide PIA members with a distinct competitive advantage over non-members. The information and analysis will be developed from various sources including the Dynamic Ratios, surveys, and analysis of secondary sources and PIA's cooperative joint research venture with the Department of Management and Middle Tennessee State University.

The first two Print Management Alerts focus on the relationships between costs and profitability as well as productivity and profitability. They are available for download on the Printing Industries of America website at: www.printing.org/managementalerts.

For more information about the Center for Print Economics and Managements as well as its publications, please contact Dr. Ron Davis at rdavis [at] printing.org.

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