The Printing Press Blog

Social Media in the Print Industry

Social Media's Advantages

When it comes to connecting with people, social media is the obvious place to start. With planning and forethought, social media platforms can help business owners build brand awareness and customer loyalty. For instance, print industry professionals can translate their visual products into shareable social media graphics. Customers may appreciate real-time feedback and the excitement built around a brand's Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook conversations. Businesses can also target key demographics and niche audiences. While time is a necessary investment, most social media platforms are free to start.

Print Media is Alive and Well

Despite social media's widespread use, print media continues to thrive. At a time when consumers are becoming more jaded by advertising, print media beats social in many ways. While social media is fighting against "fake news" print media is considered to be more trustworthy. In addition, paper-based reading is less distracting and encourages more concentration. Neuroscience even suggests that print ads create a deeper emotional impact compared to digital ads. In addition, print can capture all the senses, including touch, taste, and smell. Finally, innovative print techniques can turn ads into works of art.

Print Media and Social Media Working Together

While print and social media offer different advantages, business owners can combine both in creative ways. In fact, print materials can drive customers to a business's social media channels.

Check out the following brands that harnessed both social media and traditional print media in advertising campaigns:

  • Indiana University created a viral social media campaign by featuring the hashtag #IUSAIDYES on admissions envelopes.
  • Nordstrom brought Pinterest to life by labeling the "most pinned" products with in-store displays.
  • Bacardi collaborated with chef Jamie Oliver to promote products through multiple media channels like the Jamie Oliver magazine and YouTube.

Here are some simple ways businesses can merge print media with social:

  • Add social buttons and campaign hashtags to printed material like business cards.
  • Use personalized URLs to link offline customers directly to social media profiles.
  • Feature positive social comments on materials like brochures.
  • Create large print pieces at events that encourage photo taking and social sharing.

The infographic below summarizes the above information and provides some additional statistics on social and print media. Feel free to share it!
