The Reproduction of Photographic Prints Containing Fluorescent Pigments.


Year: 1964
Pages: 17


The effects of ultraviolet radiation, produced by the light sources used in the graphic arts, on photographic prints containing fluorescent pigments, or brighteners, are discussed. The influence on exposure of the different ultraviolet-absorption characteristics of retouching paints and of the Kodak Magenta and Gray Contact Screens are also described. It was found that black-and-white prints, with and without a fluorescent brightener, can be reproduced satisfactorily together if the Gray Screen which absorbs considerable ultraviolet radiation is used, or an ultraviolet-absorbing filter is placed over the lens of the process camera. The reproduction of color prints with brightener requires an ultraviolet-absorbing filter over the light source to eliminate the effects of fluorescence when making the blue-filter separation and black-printer separation.