Update to Evaluation of Reference Materials for Standardization of Spectrophotometers


Year: 2019
Pages: 34


Two new sets of reference materials have been evaluated for their ability to standardize one spectrophotometer to another. Standardization is the act of applying corrections to spectral data from one spectrophotometer in order to attain better agreement with another.

This paper focuses on one aspect of the suitability of the sets of reference materials: whether the spectra of the reference materials are rich enough to provide a numerically stable calibration of the equations which correct one instrument to another. Additional sets of potential standardization materials are also analyzed in order to provide perspective on the results. These additional sets are likely unsuitable because of lack of physical durability.

The results demonstrate that 1) It is physically possible to create a set of reference materials that can provide numerically stable standardization, but 2) The two sets of reference materials, at best, provide marginally acceptable numerical stability.


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