UV LED Technology Emerges in the Graphic Arts World


Year: 2013
Pages: 5


Traditionally mercury lamps have been the standard for UV curing in graphic arts world, but now UV LED technology for curing has emerged. In combination with suitable chemistry, UV LED technology has advanced significantly in the past few years and is now readily available for a wide range of graphic arts applications. � There are many benefits driving companies to move toward acceptance of UV LED technology such as higher productivity and a more environmentally friendly solution, which more and more end customers are demanding. As manufacturers are developing UV LED curing systems, knowing how the key sub-components work together will help in creating the optimum solution. � � UV LED technology reduces the overall environmental impact of the process and at the same time maintaining and improving productivity. � Application examples that successfully use LED curing technology include digital inkjet printing, flexographic printing, screen printing, and many others.


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