Optimizing Proofing in a Digital Work Flow


Year: 2005
Pages: 10


As printers, it is important to be able to produce accurate proofs before going to press. It is not a rare occurrence that a file looks different, depending on the output device used. This poses a problem for all parties involved with maintaining the accuracy of the print. The DocuColor 12 is a digital proofing device that has been SWOP (Specifications for Web Offset Publication) certified. SWOP certified machines should be able to print test charts that will have very similar, if not identical color measurements. This paper looks to verify this certification by printing a test chart and measuring the color patches. The DocuColor 12 was used to create a new profile, which was applied to the IT8.7/3 chart and these patches measured. The charts were measured with a GretagMacbeth SpectroScan spectrophotometer. The DocuColor 12 was profiled by printing an ECI 2002 test chart and calculating the profile with GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker 5.01. The results showed that some of the colors had the same values as those specified by SWOP but some others were very different. The experimental procedure, the results and reasons for differences are discussed.


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