Correlated Photographic Exposure and Processing. Meeting the Customer's Acceptable Density Parameters


Year: 1967
Pages: 22


A photographic reproduction system is presented providing a means of selectively choosing and controlling the exposure and processing required. It is designed to assist management in knowing and quality control personnel in measuring the degree to which the photographic copy's line weight and image tone values or contrast are reproduced. Use is made of the densitometer and microdensitometer in classifying combination line and continuous tone copy. Recognition is given to use of reflection density as a unit of exposure as currently dialed into an integrating exposure meter. Identification is made of the photographic copy's exposure scale on the steps or lines of a calibrated gray scale line weight spread or sharpening guide and resolution chart. Illustrated is a method using the copy's density scale range for an evaluated effective Log of Exposure Scale. This is correlated with the customers acceptable density scale range parameters on the characteristic cube to determine the average gradient of the image's reproduction. This shows the degree to which the end product meets specifications. Likewise, the line weight reproduced divided by the line weight of the copy photographed gives the numerical quality of its reproduction. A correlation table built from data gathered using an individual plant's own production conditions provides the firm with a chart which can be used by its production people. It shows the average line weight and/or average gradient of image reproduction needed to reproduce copy of different density scale ranges. It provides the technician with the process control gamma of development required.