Wide-Format Printing Report, April 2023


Year: April 2023
Pages: 17


This report is based on data collected from 195 providers of wide-format printing surveyed by PRINTING United Alliance. Companies surveyed have annual sales (all sources) ranging from less than $500,000 to more than $400 million; offer more than 20 wide-format products, including banners, soft signage, and flags, floor graphics, vehicle wraps, and digital displays; and serve markets ranging from conferences and in-person events to warehousing, storage, and fulfillment centers.

Topics include what concerns providers of wide-format printing most; how they plan to build margins in 2023; how sales, prices, profitability, work on hand, and other key performance metrics are trending; capital investment plans, rates, and objectives; expected growth rates for major wide-format products through 2025; and which wide-format end markets are expected to be strongest in 2023.

The Key Results Sheet is available for everyone to download. PRINTING United Alliance members can download the full report below. If you have any questions please contact us at ResearchTeam@printing.org.

Key Results Sheet

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