A Logical Way to Specify Color Strength, Hue Error, and Grayness


Year: 1988
Pages: 22


The hue error of a printed color inks is currently characterized by its percentage deviation from the subtractive color corresponding to the high density reading of a densitometer, and by the direction of hue error that shifts toward the color of filter in the densitometer corresponding to the low density reading. This specification of hue error is clear for subtractive primary colors, but ambiguous for overprint colors. Discrepancies may be attributed to an equation that is not accurate enough. The grayness of a printed color should be determined by all three color components rather than by two of them. A vector analysis has been proposed. It determines the ink hue, grayness, and strength of printed colors in a more consistent and rigorous way. The GATF Color Circle has been slightly modified, which makes plotting press results in the Color Circle diagram unambiguous.


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