A Report On the Percent Image Area Measurements Taken From Plates Used In The GCA 1985 Print Properties Test


Year: 1986
Pages: 11


For the last three years, the Print Properties Committee of the Graphic Communications Association (GCA) has run a series of print studies on various parts of the lithographic reproduction printing process. The most recent test was conducted for the Spectrum meeting of GCA in Phoenix in September 1985 and the evaluation of the ink on paper results were presented at that time. Earlier print properties' tests did not include an evaluation of the percent image area characteristics of the printing plates used in any of the studies. Formerly the state-of-the-art in the definitive determination of lithographic dot images on metal substrates was such that the numbers derived were at best inconclusive. Earlier print properties' tests did not include an evaluation of the percent image area characteristics of the printing plates used in any of the studies. Formerly the state-of-the-art in the definitive determination of lithographic dot images on metal substrates was such that the numbers derived were at best inconclusive. Recent advances in electronic aided computer enhanced image evaluation techniques prompted the 1985 Print Properties Committee to attempt an evaluation of the percent dot area values on the printing plates used to conduct the 1985 study. The Printing Products Division of the 3M Company volunteered to use its expertise in printing plate technology and evaluation to perform this analysis. The technique chosen and some insights from the data obtained from a partial evaluation of the test are the subject of the report to TAGA.


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