Determining Chromaticness Difference Tolerance of Offset Printing by Simulation


Year: 2013
Pages: 11


Color printing tolerances in ISO 12647-2 have been specified by TVI and midtone spread. ISO TC130 is contemplating to replace midtone spread by chromaticness difference (?Ch). � In � order � to � find � the � equivalence between midtone spread and ?Ch, this research uses a simulation to generate a large database with print jobs that are in conformity � to midtone � spread � requirements � as well as print � jobs that are not. The results show that the tolerance of 5 midtone spread for a quarter-tone (25C19M19Y) triplet is 1.8 ?Ch. The tolerance of 5 midtone spread for a midtone (50C40M40Y) triplet or three-quarter (75C66M66Y) triplet is 3.2 ?Ch. The finding provides insights into the determination of ?Ch tolerance that aligns with the existing midtone spread tolerance of 5.


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