The Status of Status Densitometry


Year: 2003
Pages: 15


The standardization of graphic arts densitometry, namely Status-T, has been a great success, by any measure. However, there is still confusion in the graphic arts regarding Status Densitometry, use of polarization filters, and with new instrument manufacturers and new measurement techniques, questions regarding inter-instrument agreement have been raised. This study is a survey of commercially available instruments, including densitometers, and spectrodensitometers, to determine the current status of Status T Densitometry. A number of materials, including ink on paper samples, T-Ref Standard Reference, SWOP Hi-Lo Ink references, and representative color proofing samples, are measured with the nine instruments in the study. The purpose is to demonstrate the differences in Status Densitometry that one might encounter in a typical graphics arts production environment, where densitometric data is communicated.


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