Evaluating Digital TV as a Publishing Channel for Newspapers


Year: 2003
Pages: 16


Can there be synergies between newspapers and digital TV? What business synergies exist and are the technical formats reliable and flexible enough for cross media publishing?

At the end of the 1990's, several Swedish newspapers applied for a license to broadcast digital TV. The major trend among newspapers during this time was to develop websites as a secondary publishing channel, and many companies withdrew their applications. Today, digital TV is again raising expectations. When digital TV broadcasting technology replaces analogue broadcasting, the media landscape will change. The conversion will offer new publishing and business opportunities for newspaper companies.

We have studied three Swedish newspaper companies actively working with TV production, three major Nordic television companies, and five television broadcasting operators in Sweden.

The objective is to give a wider perspective on the digital TV publishing market today, focusing on technical as well as on economical aspects. In addition, we have evaluated the next steps for newspaper companies interested in establishing themselves in the digital TV medium.

The study indicates that among the viable strategies for small and medium sized newspapers are entering the digital TV business through text based services and using cross promotion in order to strengthen the brand.


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