Some New Methods to Estimate Paper Performance in Non Impact Printing.


Year: 1992 Vol. 1
Pages: 18


The quality formation in non impact printing is essentially dependent on roughness, compressibility, absorptivity and surface chemical properties of the paper. New models have been developed to estimate the parameters, which characterize the paper with these respects. Surface roughness and its dependence on the compression pressure has been estimated by three parameter model. A drop absorption model with eight parameters has been developed to characterize the paper-ink reaction. Surface chemical properties have been estimated using Kaelble's approach combined with the methods of image analysis. Non impact printing trials have been performed to evaluate the significance of these parameters. A variety of parameters produced by image analysis were used to characterize the print quality. The dependence between these quality parameters and the material parameters given by the models were analyzed. Rather clear evidence of the relevance of a group of parameters was drawn out.