Innovations in Biometric Printing


Document ID: T230352
Year: 2023
Pages: 16


Current official identity documents such as passports and driving licenses rely on complex security features to prevent unauthorized alteration and replication of the documents. When a document is a suspect of forgery, the complex security features require time-consuming and resourceful verification.

The aim of the work is to develop a new concept to improve the efficiency and security of official documents by investigating and addressing the most common and effective types of forgery related to official documents and by addressing and finding solutions to current issues crippling the verification process done by the authorities.

The idea behind a new concept is using smartphone technology to make the verification and recognition of official documents quicker and easier. It is to utilize smartphones equipped with near-infrared setups along with the relevant encryption and decryption software, the usage of an appropriate workflow for variable data processing and the use of digital printing presses in combination with suitable printing inks that rely on infrared radiation for their functionality to address the issues.

The work discusses the approach of the concept and addresses its feasibility and the advantages it brings to current verification methods used. It examines the status quo of document verification and the building blocks of the concept, and addresses the requirements and the points that have to be addressed for the successful realization of the concept.


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