Exploring the Efficacy of Tablet-based Apps and AI Tools for Creating Bitmap and Vector Print-Ready Files in Conventional Printing


Document ID: T230324
Year: 2023
Pages: 14


This paper and presentation aim to explore the increasing use of tablet-based platforms and AI tools in the classroom for graphic design and the challenges that arise with producing print-ready files. The goal is to identify the strengths and limitations of these devices and apps, such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, and others on tablet apps, and AI image generation tools like popular Midjourney and Dall-E, in producing graphics for conventional printing processes. The paper will also explore possible solutions for enhancing and converting tablet-generated graphics to meet pre-press standards and provide examples of where adjustments are needed. The rise of tablet-based platforms raises the question of whether this marks the decline of traditional laptops and graphic design applications.


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