The HR Guide to Employee Training and Development

Engage your staff by integrating industry training into your organization with the all-new iLEARNING+ platform, powered by real-world printing professionals. These e-learning courses and certifications allow HR professionals to easily assign self-paced training where staff members can learn when and how they want — all in one convenient location.

iLEARNING+ Unlocks the Power of Your Employees

Learning and development play an increasingly critical role in staff satisfaction and retention.

  • 93% of employees say that well-planned employee training programs positively affect their level of engagement.
  • Top CEOs and executives recognize learning and development as a key to retaining top performers.

With iLEARNING+ for your team, you can...

Training Solutions Designed Exclusively for the Printing Industry

You don’t have to tackle training for your staff on your own! We’ve got your training needs covered with iLEARNING+.

Visit iLearning+