Ventura Air District Air Permitting Issues

Written October 17, 2019

For the purpose of this section, graphic arts operations shall include emissions from inks, ink additives, fountain solutions, substrate surface preparation, application equipment cleaning, coatings, and adhesives for binding or gluing printed substrates, associated with the graphic arts operation.

Emissions from cold cleaners and vapor degreasers shall not be included in this determination. Graphic arts operations (including screen printing, or ink jet printing) where less than 200 pounds each of volatile organic compounds referred to as ROC by this District, methylene chloride, 1,1,1 trichloroethane, and perchloroethylene are lost to the atmosphere during every rolling period of 12 consecutive calendar months are exempt. Facilities may be asked to supply documentation to substantiate their exempt status. Facilities are required to obtain an authority to construct and a permit to operate if they do not meet any exemptions.