Entering the Digital Signage Market

Written October 16, 2019

Digital signage is everywhere! That sounds cliché, but it’s dead on. Walk down the street, and you will find messages blasting from digital signage everywhere. It doesn’t take business owners long to catch the “signage bug,” and decide to install signage in their business, or to enter the market and sell solutions, especially if they have an IT background. It’s important to understand what steps to take, to enter this market if you want to succeed and differentiate your services from your competition.

Understand the Offerings

Everyone should understand, as much goes on “behind the screens” as happens on the displays. New resellers often stumble, focusing on one element of solutions and neglecting the balance. By not fully enabling customers, you open the door for your competition to come in and steal the whole sale. Most solutions can be broken down into three elements: Hardware: The physical pieces to make the signage work, and can include displays, display mounts, media players and networking infrastructure. Software: Used for message management, content design and content distribution.
Services: Can include installation of hardware, management of screens, personal content design and screen management.

Get in the Driver’s Seat

I can’t stress the importance of trying digital signage in your environment. It increases your knowledge about the subject you’re selling, and that knowledge generates enthusiasm about your offerings, and is transferred to your end clients through conversation. Most software vendors have NFR (not for resale) copies of software for your evaluation pleasure, and some are just free. Most hardware offers NFR programs at deep discounts or provide short-term evaluation privileges, so take the keys and take a spin!

Pick a Sandbox (or Two) to Play in

Because digital signage penetrates major markets like hospitality, retail, quick-serve and education, chances are excellent that digital signage will help resolve a pain point for at least one of your existing clients. I suggest working in your comfort zone initially (to those you sell every day) and discover which pain points signage can address. Remember, solutions drive sales, not technologies. Digital signage readily addresses common pain points, such as: Lifting sales in retail establishments; emergency broadcasting in educational institutions; and improving efficiency and customer service in hospitality environments.

Find a Wingman

John Donne’s words, “No man is an island,” hold true. Many of the elements of digital signage overlap, and it behooves you to partner with individuals who complement your offerings. Resellers often leverage partners for content creation and service installations, but it shouldn’t stop there. A good partner can also provide education as you begin your journey.