Oregon OSHA Issues Temporary Rules on COVID-19 In the Workplace

Oregon OSHA has adopted a temporary workplace standard that impacts all employers in Oregon.  This standard, effective November 16, 2020, will expire on May 4, 2021, unless a permanent standard is adopted or extended.  The rule’s requirements include:

  • Meeting physical distancing requirements for all employees in the workplace, unless it can be shown that it is not feasible for identified work activities
  • Ensuring that all employees wear a face mask or covering in accordance with the Oregon Health Authority’s statewide guidance. These masks and/or face coverings must be provided to employees free of charge.
  • Maximizing the effectiveness of existing ventilation systems.
  • Conduct an exposure risk assessment. Those with more than 10 employees must develop a formal documented assessment*. Develop an infection control plan that includes when personal protective equipment must be worn as well as a description of specific hazard controls.
  • Train all employees on relevant topics.
  • Develop and implement procedures for notifying employees about work related COVID-19 infections.

* For a copy of a template, please contact Marci Kinter at mkinter@printing.org, Gary Jones at gjones@printing.org or Adriane Harrison, aharrison@printing.org.

A detailed fact sheet outlining the rule’s requirements has been distributed to members of the PRINTING United Alliance operating in the state.  For more information, please reach out to Marci Kinter, mkinter@printing.org; Gary Jones, gjones@printing.org, or Adriane Harrison, aharrison@printing.org.

Also Tagged: First to Know, FP Advocacy, GP Advocacy, IPDAA Advocacy, SM Advocacy