SGIA Offers Popular Workshops for Screen Printers this Spring

For Immediate Release
March 2, 2020
Contact: Amanda Kliegl, SGIA

Three programs being held in April at SGIA headquarters in Virginia provide screen printers of all levels with the latest tools and techniques for success

Fairfax, Va. — The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) today announces three popular hands-on workshops for screen printers are being offered this April for all skill levels: Screen Making: Basic to Advanced (April 6-8); Art & Separations for Screen Printed Apparel (April 13-14); and Totally T-Shirts! Apparel Screen Printing (April 15-18).  Registration is available online here, through March 6: SGIA members receive a 25% member discount on classes. 

“These popular industry workshops offer absolutely something for everyone,” says Johnny Shell, SGIA VP, Print Technology and Training. “Whether you are brand new to screen printing, or are looking to brush up your skills with the latest creative techniques and processes, these events are the very best way to dive in and get the experience you are looking for to take your business to the next level.”

Screen Making: Basic to Advanced 
April 6-8, 2020

Printing excellence begins with the right screen. This workshop is guaranteed to challenge each participant by combining real-world experience with supporting theory. Beginning with the most basic methods and progressing to cutting-edge technology, attendees will master the “how” and “why” of making screens for virtually every job.

Learn proven methods guaranteed to save time and money, including:

–Correct methods for choosing the right mesh, stencil and frame.
–Proper stretching procedures to produce consistently tensioned screens.
–Correct stencil application methods for optimum consistency and repeatability.
–Proven techniques for calculating optimum stencil exposure.
–Troubleshooting printed results. 

For more information or to register, visit:

Art and Separations for Screen Printed Apparel 
April 13-14, 2020 

In this workshop, renowned instructor Dane Clement, Great Dane Graphics, will guide participants through creative design methods to produce eye-popping prints and help unlock the secrets of producing separations for any type of printing. Attendees will learn how to work with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop applications to handle simple vector art through more advanced separation techniques like four-color process and simulated process. The same techniques can be applied to Corel applications for Corel users.

For more information or to register, visit:

Totally T-shirts! Apparel Screen Printing 
April 15-17, 2020 

Industry veteran Charlie Taublieb, a recognized expert in decorated apparel with over 40 years of experience, will offer techniques to help attendees: produce stunning results; master the latest, most innovative inks and printing techniques, such as simulated process, water-based inks, special effects, gels, glitters and foils; and more.

The full range of training includes:

Advanced screen making techniques using the latest high-tech equipment.
–Artwork and separation fundamentals.
–Press setup and registration.
–Critical must-know facts for using plastisol, water-based discharge, special effects, and silicone inks.
–Parameters for proper flashing and curing.
–Advanced printing techniques (simulated, four-color process, special effects).
–Production tips and tricks to increase efficiency, throughput, and yield.

For more information or to register, visit:

SGIA April Workshop Registration
Those participants attending Art and Separations for Screen Printed Apparel and Totally T-Shirts! Apparel Screen Printing will save 25% when registering for both. Be sure to register today as the deadline to register for all April classes is Friday, March 6. To learn more about upcoming SGIA workshops, visit

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Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) is the premier printing and graphic arts trade organization that provides members with cutting edge resources, tools and education to promote growth and convergence into new market segments. SGIA members have unparalleled access to current industry information, trends and events, including, but not limited to, PRINTING United in Atlanta on October 21 - 23, 2020, and more.For more information, visit
