SGIA Joins Coalition for Accurate Product Labels in Wake of Proposition 65's New Warning Requirements

For Immediate Release  August 9, 2018  Contact: Kate Achelpohl, SGIA  703.359.1364  Fairfax, Virginia — With California’s Proposition (Prop) 65’s new label warning requirements taking effect this month, the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) has joined more than 60 organizations as part of the Coalition for Accurate Product Labels (CAPL), which advocates for consumers to have accurate and clear science-based information about the products they buy and use. CAPL member organizations represent manufacturers, chemists, farmers, small businesses, retailers and more.  CAPL supports the Accurate Labels Act, introduced in June to amend the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. In addition to consumer access to clear, accurate and meaningful product labels with information that is risk-based, the Accurate Labels Act calls for the establishment of science-based criteria for all state and local labeling requirements that exceed federal standards.  According to the CAPL, in 2017 and 2018, there have been 30 proposals in 11 different states that would require warning labels or ingredient listings that go beyond the federal standards and that are not supported by the best available science. One of these proposals is California’s Prop 65.  Also known as California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Prop 65 requires businesses based in or providing products into California to warn consumers about potential exposures to its list of more than 900 chemicals that can cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Warnings can include product labels, internet warnings and public or distributed posts in the workplace. According to the CAPL, Prop 65 requires businesses to warn consumers if they are exposed to any amount of a listed chemical, even if the amount of exposure is safe and poses no health risk.  Inaccurate warning and label mandates are not only costly for the individuals and businesses CAPL’s organizations represent, but also for the consumer. In addition, they can cause confusion.  “CAPL’s position of advocating for science-based labeling information aligns with SGIA’s,” said Marci Kinter, Vice President – Government & Business Information, SGIA. “Through our work with the Coalition, our goal is to help further the conversation — on behalf of our members and industry — regarding smart labeling that provides real, pertinent information to the consumer.”  SGIA will host “Proposition 65 is Just the Beginning,” a webinar presented by Kinter, George Fuchs of the National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers and Gary Jones of Printing Industries of America to discuss how Prop 65 and similar regulations will impact their industries. The webinar will be held Tuesday, August 14, 2–3 pm EDT.  For more information on the CAPL, visit To learn more about Prop 65, visit SGIA — Supporting the Leaders of the Digital & Screen Printing Community  Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) is the trade association of choice for professionals in the industrial, graphic, garment, textile, electronics, packaging and commercial printing communities looking to grow their business into new market segments through the incorporation of the latest printing technologies. SGIA membership comprises these diverse segments, all of which are moving rapidly towards digital adoption. As long-time champions of digital technologies and techniques, SGIA is the community of peers you are looking for to help navigate the challenges of this process. Additionally, the SGIA Expo is the largest trade show for print technology in North America. “Whatever the medium, whatever the message, print is indispensable. Join the community — SGIA."
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