August 9, 2016 EPA Public Meeting - Risk Evaluation Process

On August 9th, SGIA attended a public meeting on the risk evaluation process required by the new TSCA legislation.  Revisions to the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) were signed into law on June 22, 2016, and EPA now has a mandatory duty to evaluate existing chemicals against a risk-based safety standard. At this public meeting, the EPA discussed next steps, risk assessment guidance that will be used by the EPA, and the criteria expected to be considered in risk evaluations. Commenters voiced concerns that evaluations on old and new chemicals will not be consistent, and urged EPA to use scientific standards when conducting risk evaluations.  A proposed rule on the risk evaluation process is expected by December 2016.  Sign up to receive the most up-to-date regulatory and legislative information on issues impacting your business.
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